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Forum: General Discussion: need help?

2010/01/04 00:00
Hey, I was a mod on the tce.net forums and a pretty good mapper(altough my scripting and texturing skills are nihil) I can also help with testing(obviously).

Right now I've got exams to worry about but after them I might check out the link to the mapping program.

I should be able to come up with maps that are as good as the official tce maps.(Might even do a copy or two of my fav maps there)

this is a link to a blog I made for a wip that i regretfully lost...

I also helped my buddy mehrang on his bridge and bridge_foggy map. Notable things I did there was to add the fog, windows that broke and the bobbing water. Small stuff..

If you guys like what you see I could reinstall gtk and get some screenshots from some ex-wip to see what i'm made off...

I'll come by the chat sometime soon
2010/01/04 01:14
It will take some time (months) to be able to take support from others. Most notably the map editor will need to be released first, it's not currently quite in releasable state (need to fix some bugs, write tutorials, and overally add some stuff to both editor and engine). The editor is brush based with ability to import models (from eg. Blender) for detailed stuff.

Please do not copy any map from any other game (unless you're author of the map), even if it's "modified". It's both not nice (or even illegal) and boring to see the same stuff. Original content is required for this game.
2010/01/04 08:14
very well, tough I don't think bruce and the other guys would mind seeing their maps return..

I'll post some other pics to show you I do have some originality. The blog thing isn't close to my best work. But this too will take some time :p

Keep up the work.

PS: i'll try a couple of times today to play especially around 7-8 tonight(cet)


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